PIC MTI Peshawar jobs 2022 January Peshawar Institute Of Cardiology MTI Peshawar Jobs 2022 Latest in Peshawar, KPK
- Hospital Director
- Manager Building & Facilities
- Management
- Assistant Manager CSSD
- Assistant Manager OT
- Data Base Administrator
- Supervisor Out Patient Services
- Assistant Database Administrator
- Associate Communication Administrator
- Boiler Supervisor
- Cardiac Perfusionist
Job Application Form is available on website www.pic.edu.pk application is acceptable only on a prescribed form. Applications accompanied with complete Job Application Form, Covering Letter, including the names, postal and email addresses of 03 referees, Academic Credentials, Qualification, Experience, Domicile certificates / along with 02 photographs and CNIC photocopy duly attested with respective original bank deposit slip/bank draft must be received at below address through registered courier service, in the name of ‘Hospital Director, Peshawar Institute of Cardiology MTI Receipt Account No. 0083-0000-0165-1008 Bank of Khyber, Phase 5, Hayatabad Branch, Peshawar (as processing fee, non-refundable) as per the fee schedule given below:
- Sr. 01 Rs. 1000/-
- Sr. 02-10 Rs. 500/-
APPLICATION FORM: https://pic.edu.pk/careers
07th, February 2022